What is Udyog Aadhaar | Registration, Eligibility and Required Documents

What Is Udyog Aadhaar

Udyog aadhaar is issued by the ministry of micro, small and mediums entertainment which was launched by indian government in september 2015. In udyog aadhaar have 12 digits which helps to identify the business units. Udyog aadhaar is also named as business aadhaar. Udyog aadhaar is also named as udyam registration.

Main intention of the government behind launching udyog aadhaar is providing additional benefits to micro, small and medium enterprises.


What is Udyog Aadhaar | Registration, Eligibility and Required Documents

Government provides so many benefits to udyog aadhaar registers and gives a unique identification to business unity. This is the best scheme which is designed by the government. Easy to face any issues with the help of udyog aadhaar. udyog aadhaar memorandum verification gives various benefit to micro, small and medium enterprises by providing following benefits

  • With low rate of interest bank loans are provided and also complete bank works with in short time without delay
  • The units how get register in udyog are willing to do export and imports from foreign to enhance business and it standards
  • Tax reduction and paying less tax are take place when business units are register, this the one of the best advantage
  • It provides subsidiaries based on class scheme for the further technical development
  • IPS subsidiaries available when a company register in udyog aadhaar
  • Helps in maintaining Current bill
  • It helps to get licence, approvals and registration without any issues
  • Getting free loans from banks
  • Getting patent registration subsidiaries
  • Udyog aadhaar registration helps to develop business as technically, and gives support to develop manpower and acts as a backbone to run or developing unit
  • Providing bar code registration for free
  • Giving exclusion on OD interest and many more Facilities and benefits are provided when a unit register in udyog aadhaar


For every micro, small, medium business unit getting a udyog registration is an important step, udyog aadhaar registration certificate helpful to get various benefits from the government. Government doesn’t charge any fee for the registration process. The registration process

Step 1 :- go to official website of udyog aadhaar and start the registration process

Step 2 :- based on individual and Partnership dealings, some details have to be provided like aadhaar number,gender, physical handicap, the cast certificate like obc, bc,sc, st if it necessary.

Step 3 :- need to enter some information like

  • business location
  • emils address
  • Legal entity type
  • Business dealing data
  • Bank account, ifsc, account type
  • No of person involved in partnership
  • Type of investment and budget
  • Details about man power

Step 4 :- and then phone number which is linked to aadhar card and then click on validate after that otp are send to registered phone number

Step 5 :- enter the OTP that are received and complete verification process

Step 6 :- need to enter details like name of the owner, aadhaar number, organisation type.

Step 7 :- again re verify the details and click on submit option

Step 8 :- entrepreneur get a opt to registered phone number

Step 9 :- finally select final submission and complete the registration.


The documents that are required for registration is the most important factor because if there is anusaar mistakes and miss representation it Leads to raise issues while registration, so an Entrepreneur must verify the documents before going to registration to complete the process without issues. The documents which are needed is

  1. Aadhaar number of Entrepreneur
  2. Bank and account details and bank passbook photo
  3. Type of the organisation
  4. Name and category of the organisation
  5. National industry classification code
  6. Data of communication
  7. Information about manpower
  8. Details of district Industry centre
  9. Major activities of the organisation
  10. Passport details
  11. Pan card
  12. Voter id, driving licence.

Those documents are required to complete registration.


What is Udyog Aadhaar | Registration, Eligibility and Required Documents

Based on budget, machinery, technology the eligibility for udyog aadhaar are varied. The eligibility classification are divided into 3 types

  1. Micro enterprise
  2. Small enterprise
  3. Medium enterprise


In udyog aadhaar certificate have three types based on type, budget, manpower, Machinery and policy are varied. The classification is 1. Micro enterprise 2. Small enterprise 3. Medium enterprise

  1. MICRO ENTERPRISE :- in micro enterprise the investment doesn’t cross one crore rupees. Machinery and plants are set up in less budget. And the annual turn over does not cross more than five crores. Compared to remaining enterprise micro runned with less budget
  2. SMALL ENTERPRISE :- in a small enterprise the investment doesn’t cross ten crore rupees. Machinery and plants are set up in between ten crores. Estimated annual turnover are nearly fifty crores
  3. MEDIUM ENTERPRISE :- in a medium enterprise the investment and plan make over doesn’t cross more than 50 crores. Medium enterprises are planned to set up machinery and planes with fifty crore rupees. Expected income per annual is around 90 crore rupees.


  • After registration process completion a permanent 12 digits unique number are provided by micro, small, medium enterprise
  • Through online the certificates are provided after completion of registration process
  • Aadhaar card is main retirement while registration
  • GST and PAN card are necessary to complete registration process
  • Income tax are linked with online to access to properly
  • To provide information about business unite the certificate have a unique QR barcode
  • No need to renovation of certificate or registration this is the best advantage in udyog aadhaar
  • No need to spend money on hard copies because it’s totally a online process

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